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Chemical Comparisons
Comparison Name # of Chemicals Updated Description Owner Alerts
Synthetic Waxes 3 07/22/2024
Ted smith - PERFLUORO 1 04/25/2024 Ted Smith
TGA Regulated UV Filters 30 07/22/2024
Tseycum watershed 11 07/22/2024
Water Treatment 2 07/22/2024 Coagulant for suspended particles
windows 4 07/01/2024
wood preservatives 30 07/22/2024 Pau Angel
XPS Blowing Agents 10 07/22/2024 Comparison of different blowing agents that may be used in extruded polystyrene (XPS)... Ryan Johnson
XPS Insulation SDS - LPE 2019 Example 3 07/22/2024 Teresa McGrath