Hazard Lists and More
Pharos aggregates over 70 hazard lists to make associations between chemicals and 26 specific human and environmental health endpoints. We constantly monitor the sources to keep up to date. In addition to specific health hazard listings, Pharos includes listings of chemicals whose use is restricted and/or managed by regulatory or corporate policy or subject to voluntary program guidance.
Chemical Hazard Data Sources and Analyses
Pharos integrates data sources and analyses to show what is known about the hazards of chemicals and facilitate comparisons. The data below is summarized for each chemical where available:

List Screening
Pharos is an approved GreenScreen Automator, scoring all chemicals in the database against the GreenScreen List Translator to identify chemicals of high concern.
Chemical Properties
Access CASRN, SMILES notations, structure, INCI names, compound groups, and physical properties.
Functional Uses
Search by chemical functional use, such as solvent, pesticide, chelating agent, fragrance, or preservative.

Hazard Assessments
Where available Pharos provides access to all GreenScreen™ hazard assessments published for public use. These toxicological assessments benchmark the inherent hazards of chemicals across a broad range of health endpoints.

Each chemical’s Resources tab provides links to information on that chemical in other databases that cover topics such as release, contamination, chemical manufacturing, and more. Links include PubChem, ChemIDPlus, OECD eChemPortal, ECHA, and HBN’s own research reports.
Process Chemistry
For some chemicals Pharos includes process chemistry information based on Habitable team research, including data regarding known and potential residual chemicals.

Chemical Comparisons
Comparisons let you see the GreenScreen scores and hazard summary tables of many chemicals at one time, which is useful for chemical decision-making or identifying safer alternatives.

Discussion Board
Have a question about a particular chemical? Want to crowd-source an alternative? Or are you simply stuck and need a helping hand? Check out the Pharos Discussion Board, which is available to all registered users.