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Chemical Comparisons
Comparison Name # of Chemicals Updated Description Owner Alerts
"Algicide" "Paint" 2 07/22/2024 Chemicals with "algicide" and "paint' in the functional use Teresa McGrath
"Fungicide" "paint" 28 07/22/2024 Chemicals with "fungicide" and "paint" as functional uses. Teresa McGrath
AB Test Results 28 07/22/2024 Bill Walsh
Alloys with CASRN 0 03/26/2020 Tristan Roberts
Alternatives Assessment 1 09/08/2023
Aluminum 3 07/01/2024 Tristan Roberts
Anodes 3 07/22/2024
Antimicrobials Used in Building Products 45 07/25/2024 Based on the Pharos compound group of the same name (April 28, 2020) Rebecca Stamm
Art Conservation material 37 07/22/2024
Azodicarbonamide & substitutions 7 07/22/2024