Google Manufacturing Restricted Substances Specification (v1.3)
Google Manufacturing Restricted Substances Specification (v1.3)
To enhance supply chain accountability, the Google Responsible Supply Chain (RSC) team integrated the Manufacturing Restricted Substance List (MRSL) into the Supplier Code of Conduct (SCOC) audit criteria and launched the MRSL assessment program in 2017. The objectives are to 1) Identify and eliminate restricted manufacturing process chemicals, and 2) protect workers in supply chains and promote community and environmental health. Restricted manufacturing process chemicals are used during the course of manufacturing a product and maintaining the related equipment but that are not integrated into the product (e.g., a cleaner, degreaser, machine cutting fluid). The scope of the MRSL does not include substances, materials, parts, or components that are specified for integration into the product (e.g., paints, inks, glues, coatings).
The Google MRSL describes Google’s commitment to the elimination of hazardous chemicals in the manufacturing of all Google branded consumer products, accessories and data center machines, parts and components. The restrictions in this specification are a compilation of Google requirements/standards. Google requires all suppliers to adhere to the restrictions and reporting requirements detailed in this specification for the hardware (as mentioned above) manufactured for Google, and it does not apply to the parts or products of other Google affiliates and subsidiaries such as Verily, Calico Labs, or Waymo. All requirements in the specification go into effect on the date of publication.
Questions regarding the Google Manufacturing Restricted Substances List should be directed to