ChemSec - SIN List
SIN (Substitute It Now) List
The SIN (Substitute It Now) List consists of chemicals that are identified as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) based on the criteria established in the European Union's REACH regulation. The SIN List has been developed by ChemSec as a combined effort of a collaborative of scientists and technical experts in the EU and the US drawn from companies with in the ChemSec Business Group and leading NGOs engaged in chemical assessment. It is based on credible, publicly available substance information from existing databases, scientific studies and new research.
Using the REACH criteria but in a more nimble NGO process, the SIN project identifies substances that will be prioritized for fast-tracking in the official REACH Authorisation procedure. This list hence provides businesses, consumers, regulators and other actors valuable early guidance on chemicals likely to move more rapidly through the REACH process in the coming years and so helps prioritize anticipatory substitution efforts for chemicals for which there is a substantial body of scientific evidence of high concern.