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OR DEQ - Priority Persistent Pollutants

Priority Persistent Pollutant (P3) List

The 2007 Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 737 (SB737) requiring the Oregon Department of...

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The 2007 Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 737 (SB737) requiring the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to compile a prioritized list of persistent bioaccumulative toxics that have a documented effect on human health, wildlife and aquatic life (“Priority Persistent Pollutant List” or P3 List) by June 2009 to guide DEQ’s pollution prevention efforts. In order to develop the Priority Persistent Pollutant List, DEQ assembled a technical workgroup, representing expertise in various scientific sectors, to provide advice and comment. Members of the group served a 10-month term (August 2008-May 2009). In 2010, the DEQ again reported to the Legislature the list of priority persistent pollutants, reporting on end-of-pipe (point), nonpoint and legacy sources of priority persistent pollutants “from existing data,” and identified source reduction and control methods to reduce discharges. SB 737 also requires Oregon’s 52 large municipal wastewater treatment plants to develop plans by July 2011 for reducing priority persistent pollutants through pollution prevention and toxics reduction. A priority persistent pollutant is a substance that is toxic and either persists in the environment or accumulates in the tissues of humans, fish, wildlife or plants.

DEQ developed an Final Priority Persistent Pollutant List of 140 pollutants that meet this definition. DEQ isusing this list to prioritize toxic monitoring and other state water quality programs and to assist in its agency-wide toxics reduction strategy relative to surface water, including aggressive programs to educate Oregon citizens to avoid buying products that contain these chemicals.

There are no known plans to update this list at this time.

List of chemicals archved at


An executive summary of the DEQ process is achived at




Hazards for Hazard List
Endpoint Hazard Rating and Description GREENSCREEN® HPD C2C
PBT (Persistence, Bioaccumulation & Toxicity)
PBT (Persistence, Bioaccumulation & Toxicity): Unspecified hazard Low confidence
Priority Persistent Pollutant - Tier 1 Priority List Multiple Endpoints (Red)
PBT (Persistence, Bioaccumulation & Toxicity)
PBT (Persistence, Bioaccumulation & Toxicity): Unspecified hazard Low confidence
Priority Persistent Pollutant - Tier 2 Legacy Persistent Pollutants Priority List Multiple Endpoints (Red)

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