SCHF - Hazardous 100
Hazardous 100+ List of Chemicals of High Concern
The “Hazardous Hundred” is a list of approximately one hundred chemicals or chemical groups of high concern likely to be present in and/or released from certain consumer products. The Hazardous Hundred list was developed by the Safer Chemicals Healthy Familes Coalition as part of the Mind the Store campaign to encourage retailers to assess their products for chemicals of concern and work with their suppliers to develop a plan for phasing them out and replacing the hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives.
The Hazardous Hundred list was developed primarly by reference to regulatory lists of chemicals of high concern developed by six authoritative government bodies :
- California – 894 Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity [Prop 65 list] (Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment)
- Maine – 2 Priority Chemicals and 49 Chemicals of High Concern (Department of Environmental Protection and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Minnesota – 9 Priority Chemicals (Pollution Control Agency and Department of Health)
- Washington – 66 Chemicals of High Concern for Children (Department of Ecology and Department of Health)
- United States – 10 Action Plan chemicals (Environmental Protection Agency)
- European Union – 138 Substances of Very High Concern subject to Authorisation or candidates for Authorisation (European Chemicals Agency)
Chemicals and chemical groups which were formally listed on at least two out of these six source lists were included with the exception of some chemicals where available evidence indicated they were not used or released from consumer products.
The list was then supplemented with select chemicals that are:
- Chemicals with hazard characteristics and exposure potential of concern; and
- “Regrettable substitutes” now used in place of chemicals of high concern; and/or
- Of “emerging concern” based on growing evidence of hazard and exposure.
For details on the sources for this lists see the website.