US EPA - Priority PBTs (NWMP)
Priority Chemicals List
PBTs - The National Waste Minimization Program focuses efforts on reducing 31 Priority Chemicals (PCs) (or chemical classes) found in our nation's products and wastes by finding ways to eliminate or substantially reduce their use in production. If these chemicals cannot easily be eliminated or reduced at the source, we focus on recovering or recycling them. More on Priority Chemicals. This list of 31 Priority Chemicals replaces the list of 53 chemicals EPA identified in its 1998 Federal Register "Notice of Availability: Draft RCRA Waste Minimization Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic (PBT) Chemical List" [Federal Register: November 9, 1998. Volume 63, Number 216. Page 60332-60343]. Twenty-six of the chemicals in the current list were part of the draft list and four chemicals were added in response to comments and new information EPA received from the public regarding EPA's methodology for selecting the chemicals in the draft list. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were added in 2004 because of their chemical properties. The list of PCs includes twenty-eight organic chemicals and three metals and their compounds. Organic chemicals and metals are two of the 14 commonly used chemical categories recognized by the CAS.
*The EPA no longer updates this list, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.